Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday 18 April 2010 - Family

On the 14th of April, we had a call that part of my wife's family , a brother
had passed away. Needless to say, - we were in the car heading there almost
immeadiately. We travelled to the surviving family members, and with no
surprise, found not young kids, but three mature, quick minded, young adults.
The surviving daughters and son, were coping, sad, but with intellegent acts
and comments.

I was, and am impressed with these young adults, and can truly say I am
very happy with each of them. Comming to know someone is sometimes
a long process . . .I can not say I know them as well as I would like, I
know I want them in my life for as long as possible, and for them to feel
toward me, as I feel toward them. I love them, each of them, and their
families, also the friends they have arround them. The world will be o.k.
if all younger adults were as competent as Our nephew and nieces.

The departed loved one left with much undone, many projects partly
finished, that now either must be finished by these adults. Without
doubt, the important will be completed, unimportant - dumped.
And, the greatest of the projects will be finished with such sucess
none will find flaw or undone part.. It is certain these fine, wonderful
adults, have good common sense and will accomplish much.

To these survivors, my admiration and yours should be tendered.
We stand ready to help, and to give of our time tallent and love.

Again we say, to the departed, and those he left, WE LOVE YOU !

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