Monday, October 17, 2011

Google vs Yahoo

Hey, is it me? or is it the fight between the two search

Recently both engines would not accept my pass word. So, I
recreated them. Did that get me in? NO. Even when I put
in the secret answers... and then, magically, I was in, but
am still having problems getting onto my programs, as they
were for years.

And, facebook was a disaster. There were options that I did
not like,but to use the system, I would have to accept them,
so, I discontinued my facebook.... and Ann has discontinued
her facebook also.

then on top of that, the progams would not accept my Picasa
program, ...but in all fairness, it is prossible that my old
age has caused me to forget the way to prosses the pictures
from Picasa to this blogg.

My only hope is that Paige will teach me again, and I will
then put pictures on this blogg.

Just in time for the roudy crowd that is having the live in
in just about every city and state in this country, and with
violence in other countries of the world.

It seems to me that I heard somewhere that when we had the
type of President we have now, that the time was right for
the country to have a type of anarcy.... And, that would
be a time when the food stored by our Church, would come in
handy. All of this was to come just as JESUS CHRIST was
to return to rescue us. I remember that as a child, I heard
that the continents were to be returned the only one land
mass and that the 10 lost tribes were to return via a land
bridge, and take up occupancy of the eastern part of the
U.S. American county-- which would have becoe totally vacant.

I was taught that Good comes from GOD, and anything other
comes from the advisary. I was taught that we need have no
concern for when we folllow the council of those JESUS
CHRIST has put over us, in the leadership of HIS Church, we
will be protected... Are these the tough times? Is the
comming of the Savior close at hand? Perhaps, but what a
fantastic time to be on the Earth -- -Imagine, what it will
be like. How great!

Well, there are my thoughts. What are yours? Are we ready?
Do we have time to experiment - NO. We should be ready with
our harmony with the parable of the 10 virgins. All seemed
worthy, but one half did not prepare for the bridegroom. In
this parable, one thinks that it represents those whom should
be ready, but procrastinated until it was to late to prepare.

For those whom read this, Do what you know to be right. If any-
thing has been left for later, - this is later, so no delay-
set everything right. You know what to do! Do it.

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