Sunday, September 25, 2011

nomore facebook for me.

I think that facebook is too invasive for me.
I'm not wanting to put all my life on the tube.
Iwant to be a bit laid back, so I quit the program.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Has 2011 given up on Summer?

Well, days are getting shorter and the Flag is put out later,
and taken in earlier.... So it seems to me that the daylight
is of shorter use. Or, perhaps the changes are from unusual
natural occurances.. but then if we check Google by putting
in, Earthquakes, or Volcanic Eruptions, or Tital Waves, the
result would be several pages of dates and places... Maybe we
just have not paid attention.

It is said that a earthen bridge existed between china and
out country... or that there was land bridge between Eroupe
and North America. If there was, it was before I can recall.

My thoughts are, that the two were one land mass, and that
the land was divided all over the Earth. the fragments seem
to fit together, if you take a flat map, and cut them out and
put them together. In the Bible, the creation of the earth is
given 2nd hand, and it could have been only one land mass, and
water was around it. Then too, it is suggested by scientists
that the water was in the heavens...until it rained after Noah
built the Arc..... Well, - that was then,and this is now.

My goal is to live to be 100. My wife says she wants no part
of being that old. I want to let her know that she willonly be
95 then... but she tunes me out.

If I get my wish, then I would be here to see my GreatGreat
Grandkids... The great grandkids now would be parents, with a
possibility of having 5 generations here at the same time.

It blows me away when I think that from the two of us, we now
number over 36 births... and then when we count the spouces
that is 22 more for a total of 58, with several weddings that
are planned in the near future..... Now when we add Ann and I
the total is 60...

Maybe the title of this tome, should have been, not of summer
but of ourselves, and what we do with all of our leasure time.
Perhaps we are in the winter of our lives.

One highlight of my life this past year was when Laura took
Mom and I to see the gardens of others...and She reaffirmed
my desire to relearn, and to learn all about growing foods
and making the earth both beautiful and productive. If time
permits, I want to be a part of that goal - to make the area
more beautiful and productive.

Well, enough of that, will you all check out Bill O'Riely's
factor, the #1 tv show on the tube today.....if you don't
like him, be silent-- if you do, let's talk.

Nest post - -sometime a few weeks from now.l