Friday, March 20, 2009

Thinking out loud

oday, Restless Moma, and her babe and chick will be here. Also the 1st Sweet Pea, and her sis will be here too. What a blast to have all those females in this cave.

Too bad, it's not fishing season - got to wait another month to get the renewal license. My Gal will eat fish,
but only once in a while. For me, three times each day
would be OK.

that reminds me, my Pop, now departed, used to say that old family and old friends are like fish. the first
day - how great to see them. The 2nd day,- are ya still
here, and the 3rd day, what is that odor? When you
think about it, Pop got more caustic as he aged.

My Gal is great but puts a pin in my bubble. We play
table games, and sometimes go at it head to head - unfortunately, My Gal beats me most of the time.
There are a few times when I beat her at Hand and Foot, but then She wallops me at other card games.

It is my goal to get good enough to hold my own, and beat her as many times as she beat me.

On another matter, we were at a thrift store, and she
saw a small woooden stool. "that will make a great
base for my magnification sewing light, don't you think?" Hey, I am a quick thinker... soI looked at it,
but it had no price. Thinking that the price would be prohibitive, I asked a clerk, (Helen) what the price
was, and she said $4.99 - so My Gal told me to buy it.

A few days later, I had made a hole in the center of the
top, and put a sleeve in the hole. Then I had inserted the base of the light, that is the small metal rod, into
the sleeve, and fastened it with a cotter key. What do you know, the stool and the light do go together, and
the light will swivel; the stool is heavy enough to support the lamp, and the lamp works. Boy did I luck out with this project. Promblem is all my girls will want one too.

Wonder what the next project will be.?

I guess that is what growing old is all about... Well, hope you have a great day.... and can laugh, and have joy in what you do.... Life is to be enjoyed..... pop!

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