Saturday, April 9, 2011

Good to be alive -

Some minister said that when we are all in Heaven, and we are discussing
what we did and when we did it, all will become very guiet when we say
we were here in the last days... Now, are these the last days? Is this
the beginning of the wrap up? Will the conditions be in harmony with the
book of revelations in the Bable, or not....that is the question...

For me, I believe we are in the last days of the earth as we know it.
I think that the changes and frequency of the changes are excellerating
rapidly. Does that mean I think that we will not have time to teach
our children, or to complete the tasks we are doing? No We will have
time to finish some of what we are doing. For now,I have put a frame-
work in our back yard so we can have veg'y growing there. I'm putting
pole beans in the flower bed, and have built a wooden box to put dirt,
seed,potting soil and steer food in - - so we can have lettus, cukes,
and other root foods. If the $ is declining, I think we should have a
sorce of food. and I am certain that you would agree.

We have been told to have our 2 year supply of food stored - not it is
one year. And we are to have a 72 hour kit at hand.... good advice. So,
lets do it...

In washington last year we voted down the private seeling of Beer and
spirits. Now we read in the newspapers that the State is going to
privatize that feature. Although I don't use those items, others do,
and if our governmant will not folow the will of the folks in the state,
what hope is there for expectaion that we have put leaders in whom will
make our lives easier, or a bit more fun? Today I wrote a infrequent
letter to the editor about this problem of out leaders doing what ever
they want without any thought of you and I.

Now is the time for each of us to live our life as we believe. If some-
one crossed us up, forget it, we have better things to do than be angry-
- - just chock it up to "his" experience, or "her" experience and drop
it out of your mind.. there are better uses of the energy. And then too,
He or She is our brother or sister.

As my Dad uesd to say, - just go on, forget it. Life is too short.
I even have gotten to forgive the mistakes that family make, and hope
that I don't make them too.

I believe that God is my FATHER and that we are all one family, the
family of Adam given to him by God. So I pray to Him, and thank Him
for His Son, Jesus Christ - for if He was God's son, (and I believe
He was) then we need his intercession with FATHER for us to progress.
Then if you do not beieve, then pray according to what you believe.

This is a great time to be alive.
It is well worth it, no matter how hard or long.

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