Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Wow, My wife celebrated the day with telephone contact whit
all seven of our children. Ann has been an incentive to be
a good as I can be... for I want to be with her always and

When we are attempting to do all that is expected of us by
Our FATHER, and repenting of the mistakes we make, both in
error, and by weakness, then we have the intercession of our
Brother, and Lord. The word Attondment (hope I spelled it
right) will explain what I mean.

For those whom still have a question, I believe that Joseph
Smith did and saw, what he claims and that the reference to
him in the bible, when God spoke to Joseph whom was sold by
his brothers into Eygpt, was told that another, Joseph the
son of Joseph, would be raised up inthe latter days to lead
the people of God, did see Joseph Smith Jr. in his vision.

I am greatful that seven generations back, Johannes left his
homw in Haefelfingen, Baselland, Switzerland, as a pallatine
refugee, and came to the colonies and to Delaware and freedom
of religion. At that time he was Lutheran, and joined the
Holy Trlinity or "Old Swedes Church" in Willmington Delaware.

Also that three geneations later, John and 4 of his brothers
joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. From
that time to this, the Nebeker's have been in the Lord's true
church. It teaches us that we each have the right to our
own actions, and it is by our choices that we are blessed, or
caused not to be blessed. In other words, we have free agency.

1 comment:

  1. Now in 2013, the same message is that which I would share, that I published in 2012.. Only those whom I admire, I really do admire them still.
