Saturday, November 26, 2011

This is a great ride

Sometimes it is bettr not to comment. Our American Government
seems to be unable to get anyjob completed right, other than
that of using force in the wrong places... although I am not
a fan of our Current President, and also not of his party, I
do pray to GOD that our President gets help in doing his best
to help the Americn People.

It seems that our president is not desireous of GODs help, but
rather, has an adgenda that is fixed and unchangeable. It is
almost that someone else is setting the boundaries, and the
scipt is supplied to our President.

Years ago, It seems to me that there was a motion picture of a
robot, that was so good that everyone thought the robot was
human. In that Picture, the fake person caused a lot of grief
and pain for the followers.

It seems that no one is following our President. When he has
good ideas, the Congress seems not to understand or see his
point. In fact, Congress looks as if Congress is the third
power, and cares only for it's perpetuation as that third
part of Gevernment.

The framers of our country wanted a Congress, a Judiciary,
and an administration as check and balance so that we, the
people would get a fair, intelegent shot at being our own
course makers..and not mere followers whom had to do the will
of the Congress, or of the President, or of the Courts.

We started as Wigs and Democrats... then Republicans and
Democrats. These two parties represented us - the people.

Now, the two parties do not represent anything except their
own greed and selfishness. It seems that each person likes
what they get, and wants more and more of it. There seems
to be little concern for us, whom have to pay for their jobs
and their selfish programs. What a sad thing that is.

It is not what I think of, when I think of Democratcy.. but
perhaps a step away from the Master /servant form which was
under the Kings of history.

Government in the United States seems to be a repressive, and
unconcerned group, uncarring of what loads each of us have as
citizens. It is this take and then take more, that has been
the problem from the early days, when part of the country had
other folks working for them, amost as if those whom had the
power, owned the workers. Did we not have a war to correct
that false premise?

Now those others seem to be the Unions, whom are in league with
those whom are powerful in our governmant; while we, the folks
whom support them, have little input and less of a chance to
complain about the uneven burdens.

On balance, there are those, whom just do not care...whom go
through life doing what they want to do, and taking smaller
slice of life, and keeping a low profile... Some of them are
crooks, or have life styles that are not in harmony with the
main population of citizens. those folks are not the leaders
and have little concern with what our city, State or Country
leaders do or what they say. Many of these folks do not work
not want to work.. they do want the perks that they can get,
such as the free programs, the free money, or... And they
also, take, by force or stealth, from those whom do work hard
the savings that have been acquired, and saved.

The main victims are the Old, or those whom should be helped
due to weakness, or other infirmaty. These folks have not a
way to complain, other than the Police or civil authority, and
are many times not restored when they suffer loss. Even
their complaints are not fully addressed by some of the folks
we put in power to safeguard our communities.

And, these folks whom have been robbed, or beaten and
pushed around, have not much hope of recovery or

Our main problem of Government, is, it is not what was
intended, and what it was when first set up. It has
fallen down and failed in many areas, aided by frivolus
Law suits, etc...

When GOD set up this Promised Lland, the Americas, it
was for the sake of each person, not a collective... And
every one could earn or save all that he could create.

It was perfect, and I would think, a copy of that which
GOD used in his Kingdom,.

We should accept GOD and HIS SON, JESUS CHIRST
as having something to do with our system of ruling
Constitution,- If we follow the precepts that are found
in HIS holy work, we can be assured of happyness and
peace. That is what we had - but have lost.

Then too, if we accept what we learn from HIS plan, the
Earth was created for a Test of Man, to see if man would
live according to GOD' s plan and Obey HIM. Those whom
do, will have Eternal Life..those whom do not.....well...\

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