Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Another milestone in life...?

Following our treck to southern Washington to help, if we could, with the events following 14 April, we returned home. And a day or two afterwards, a sharp pain
was felt in my right big toe. It was so painful, no walking was possible. So bad
was it, that a trip to the urgent care center was necessitated. There it was learned
the pain was from Arthritis.. and called by a speciaql name, "rich man's GOUT." Well
I've never considered myself as rich. In fact there are times when we have not had much, and have gone without insurance, and sometimes without a job...

At the clinic, the doctor, a very wise lady, told me it would take about a week, and
if i took three pills, one each hour as soon as I could get them, Costco was where
the Rx went... and so did I. After several hours, there was only one person filling
many requests.. The counter woman, Brittney was very nice, and prevented me from bolting, and leaving the store... insead, she suggested I shop and return after a bit
and all would be well.... except that did not turn out to be the case...

It is now over a week from my visit to the clinic, and the problem is still there,
but the pain is very minor. I did find out the the foods I was eating were great
but had purines in them. Purines may be found in several vegitables, in Salmon and in most meats- also in mushrooms, and in water pills. All of which I had been consuming within the lst few days. And, all of those that I no longer take. Yet, when
all is done and said, I feel that life is good. I love everyone.. even though I
don't like what some do, take our fearless leader in Washington for one. I feel that he is leading us to distruction.... yet he is to be prayed for God to lead him
in that which he does... and for us to keep the faith, and remain anchored to God
and his program for us.

How about some of you that see this, commenting on what I do or write, so that this
may be a tool of conversation... or link for us. Love you all.

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