Today we seem to face even greater trials in life. Our government is getting more and more intrusive in all areas of life. Each of us have a certain ability to chose where, when, and what we will do...which seems to become a smaaler choice in terms of our opportunities which timely, pass.
In my childhood, everyone seemed to respect the older folks. -- Not so today, many have the attitude that the old folks have no idea what life is all about. It would seem that those we have put in government (to make our lives easier,) have converted our expectations of trust to one of their own. One of greed and pleasures, for themselves,only. Those in power want to perpetuate themselves and work for their own wealth, which seems to segway in their minds toward their beliief that they knpw more, and can better guide us, and thus they exert effort to sustain themselves in the job, and thus become the more controlling and "weathy."
They seem to want to "help us" from the moment in time we are born until the moment we take our last breath. Contrlol of all life is the goal, it would seem. Perhaps they each do not think in these terms - perhaps they relly think that they know best, better in fact than we know. And that their ideas and ways are so much better that by setting goals, and limits, we will not have to think just accept, without input. This loses our power to act, for ourselves, and makes us robots or slaves. Life is ours not that of outhers.
I truly believe we are going into a time when each of us must be more self reliant, with reserves if we have them, set up to sustain us when the controls that are being put in place, prevent any indepent action.
In the past few weeks, the controll over food and other sundaries, has become the provence of Government. Using the supposition that there was a need to prevent impurities and other addities in food, and to protect the consumer, those in govenment have begun to use control over the production and supply of some foods, and they eye all food and drugs.
There has always been a distrust of too much government. This distrust has not abated, but by cleaver use of words, and regulations, we seem to be led (some of us blindfolded) down the garden path into becoming robots or servants. Life was not meant to be such. We each are in our own right, independent, intellegent (opps- some of you may questuion the 'Intellegent') people.
Please express yourself in regard to this post,- put your comments to it on my blogg.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Great People
When I was born, another good friend was also born. I met him when I was a part of the Army in the Korean times....That was great, but we both married our wives on the same day, (23 July 1960) His wife is named Anne, my wife is Ann. We both were blessed with 7 children- there the duplication is a bit off, as the girl/boy numbers are different.... We have corresponded from time to time, and my friend came to our Washington home for a visit in the late 70's or early 80's.
Now we both celebrated our 50th wedding anniverary. Now that we are getting more mature, I for one will redeadicate myself to keeping our frendship. I guess I was not so dillegent in the past. I repent of that error. Recently, My friend sent me three pictures of his fun filled celebration, and I counted about 50 or so on one. That is about the number of our family, too. And both families are growing.
When GOD blesses us, we should be thankfull, and pass the blessing on... We, Ann and I, intend to volunteer at the Skagitt Valley Hospital as helpers in this next year. Also, I want to see if the Sheriff can use my services also... after all, we are all in this same boat.. called Earth. It may not seem fun at times, but our FATHER has given us his word that our time will have been well spent.
If you have a great friend, do as I intend - spend time with the fostering of the friendship . . don't let it fade. I almost did, and I would have been sorry at some time to come.
Have you noticed that we as a nation have begun to forget why we are here, and where
we are going (and what we are suppossed to do) - all to our error and loss. Let us pledge
to be more spiritual, and trusting in GOD, and HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, our Savior.
More later. I love you all... Gdad
Now we both celebrated our 50th wedding anniverary. Now that we are getting more mature, I for one will redeadicate myself to keeping our frendship. I guess I was not so dillegent in the past. I repent of that error. Recently, My friend sent me three pictures of his fun filled celebration, and I counted about 50 or so on one. That is about the number of our family, too. And both families are growing.
When GOD blesses us, we should be thankfull, and pass the blessing on... We, Ann and I, intend to volunteer at the Skagitt Valley Hospital as helpers in this next year. Also, I want to see if the Sheriff can use my services also... after all, we are all in this same boat.. called Earth. It may not seem fun at times, but our FATHER has given us his word that our time will have been well spent.
If you have a great friend, do as I intend - spend time with the fostering of the friendship . . don't let it fade. I almost did, and I would have been sorry at some time to come.
Have you noticed that we as a nation have begun to forget why we are here, and where
we are going (and what we are suppossed to do) - all to our error and loss. Let us pledge
to be more spiritual, and trusting in GOD, and HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST, our Savior.
More later. I love you all... Gdad
Monday, November 22, 2010
2010 snow
It began in the night. First a few white flakes, and then it resembled rain, except that it was little white specks. At first the specks turned to water,
and then after a bit, the white began to thicken on the ground. Now, everything is white, and we have about 1/4 inch covering most of
the area .
What a miracle, we have steam to harness, then liquid to drink, and slush (if clean) to eat, and finally, we have drifts to stop us from travel, or bury us where we are. In past times, the later (being buried) could cause us to depart the earth, but seldon now, except in remote areas, or when we are not prepared. Then too, our bodies contain a high percentage of water in our fisical makeup.
and then after a bit, the white began to thicken on the ground. Now, everything is white, and we have about 1/4 inch covering most of
the area .
What a miracle, we have steam to harness, then liquid to drink, and slush (if clean) to eat, and finally, we have drifts to stop us from travel, or bury us where we are. In past times, the later (being buried) could cause us to depart the earth, but seldon now, except in remote areas, or when we are not prepared. Then too, our bodies contain a high percentage of water in our fisical makeup.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Well this year is going out like a bang. We just got the Skousen Book that the
President of the Church asked Cleon to delay in publishing back in the 1990's.
Cleon was a Religion Teacher at BYU when I was there in the 1950's. He gave us
some of our devotionals. He felt that the Birch Society may be a good thing,
but later changed his mind. Back to the new (1994 UNFINISHED BOOK) iT'S
title is - 'The Cleansing of America for the Comming of Jesus Christ'
I learned by google that Glenn Beck was very taken by Cleon and his work.
and is using Cleon's thinking as a basis for his presentations.
Did you know that Cleon was an FBI agent? And he was so well educated that
he was part of the group that was our "thinktank" in the earlier years of
this country - until he got fed up with the people whom were getting into the
public feeding bin, and sticking there like a burr on the back of our people
then he was not so welcome, and he was attacked by many - until he went
back to Utah and Taught, and wrote books. His thinking is still considered the
leading light for future civilization. I Suggest each of you go get his book at
the LSD Book Store. Fork out the $20 (or so)and read it.
We are safe if we do what is right, and follow the instructions that our
Savior set forth for us. This country will come out right - and we can too.
Fox news in my mind is the straight shooting avenue for us to get the truth.
Is the very rich man, the antichrist? don't know but suspect it.
Back to Beck, he called it when a week ago he suggested that the food costs
would go up and that is the way the government will use to devaluate the
dollar.... Get your 1 year or 2 year storage as soon as possible....that is
a must. Get out of debt if you can. Live more in line with Church teachings
if you are not there already. And, turn on channel FOX News.if you can see
what is comming, your fear is partly gone.
These ARE the last days and we have the rear privelege to see what happenz
and some of us will live through it- What a great time to be on the earth.
Well this year is going out like a bang. We just got the Skousen Book that the
President of the Church asked Cleon to delay in publishing back in the 1990's.
Cleon was a Religion Teacher at BYU when I was there in the 1950's. He gave us
some of our devotionals. He felt that the Birch Society may be a good thing,
but later changed his mind. Back to the new (1994 UNFINISHED BOOK) iT'S
title is - 'The Cleansing of America for the Comming of Jesus Christ'
I learned by google that Glenn Beck was very taken by Cleon and his work.
and is using Cleon's thinking as a basis for his presentations.
Did you know that Cleon was an FBI agent? And he was so well educated that
he was part of the group that was our "thinktank" in the earlier years of
this country - until he got fed up with the people whom were getting into the
public feeding bin, and sticking there like a burr on the back of our people
then he was not so welcome, and he was attacked by many - until he went
back to Utah and Taught, and wrote books. His thinking is still considered the
leading light for future civilization. I Suggest each of you go get his book at
the LSD Book Store. Fork out the $20 (or so)and read it.
We are safe if we do what is right, and follow the instructions that our
Savior set forth for us. This country will come out right - and we can too.
Fox news in my mind is the straight shooting avenue for us to get the truth.
Is the very rich man, the antichrist? don't know but suspect it.
Back to Beck, he called it when a week ago he suggested that the food costs
would go up and that is the way the government will use to devaluate the
dollar.... Get your 1 year or 2 year storage as soon as possible....that is
a must. Get out of debt if you can. Live more in line with Church teachings
if you are not there already. And, turn on channel FOX News.if you can see
what is comming, your fear is partly gone.
These ARE the last days and we have the rear privelege to see what happenz
and some of us will live through it- What a great time to be on the earth.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Looking back over the last 50 years of marriage gives me a feeling that
GOD has blessed me very greatly. First HE put me near Her, and then HE
let me know what heaven could be if She was with me. Ann keeps me in my
place, and helps me to live a better life. Then we added another seven
to our family...Wow, And each new life, added depth and strength to our
living. To each of my strong children, I will ever be indebted. They
are each endowed with qualities that make them so wonderful and great.
Now we find ourselves very busy just in keeping up with them. Most of
our almost 30 grandchildren are close by, and the widening sphere of our
family now covers the northern half of the United States from Washington
to the great lakes. One,was in the south west,but is now with us in our
north west.
Life is great. And we have the thought that we will have another great
grandchild before the year is out,to add to the 5 boys that are ours.
I never in my wildest dreams thought we would be the progeniters of 50
plus individuals. And that is why I say WOW...
Now, today with the prospect of our country going through a Tramatic time
we are happy that our kids are well grounded on being helpful and kind.
We have 12 Eagles and 1 3rd degree black belt...shich accounts for the oldest
13 boys.... and then the Girls are quite as well prepared and qualified to
lead great lives. The thought that even our two oldest daughters will be
finished with college degrees soon, leads us to believe we had help from the
heavens to accomplish such a wonderful life.
And, we have had a great circle of friends both in our Church and in our
neigborhoood areas... too add to the families we grew up in, wow, what a
ride we are having here on this earth..... I truly hope that you too can
look at what you are doing and what and whom you have, that you have the same
good feeling.. We love all of you, and that is the key.
So long for another 3 months.....
GOD has blessed me very greatly. First HE put me near Her, and then HE
let me know what heaven could be if She was with me. Ann keeps me in my
place, and helps me to live a better life. Then we added another seven
to our family...Wow, And each new life, added depth and strength to our
living. To each of my strong children, I will ever be indebted. They
are each endowed with qualities that make them so wonderful and great.
Now we find ourselves very busy just in keeping up with them. Most of
our almost 30 grandchildren are close by, and the widening sphere of our
family now covers the northern half of the United States from Washington
to the great lakes. One,was in the south west,but is now with us in our
north west.
Life is great. And we have the thought that we will have another great
grandchild before the year is out,to add to the 5 boys that are ours.
I never in my wildest dreams thought we would be the progeniters of 50
plus individuals. And that is why I say WOW...
Now, today with the prospect of our country going through a Tramatic time
we are happy that our kids are well grounded on being helpful and kind.
We have 12 Eagles and 1 3rd degree black belt...shich accounts for the oldest
13 boys.... and then the Girls are quite as well prepared and qualified to
lead great lives. The thought that even our two oldest daughters will be
finished with college degrees soon, leads us to believe we had help from the
heavens to accomplish such a wonderful life.
And, we have had a great circle of friends both in our Church and in our
neigborhoood areas... too add to the families we grew up in, wow, what a
ride we are having here on this earth..... I truly hope that you too can
look at what you are doing and what and whom you have, that you have the same
good feeling.. We love all of you, and that is the key.
So long for another 3 months.....
Monday, June 28, 2010
Human nature being what it is, a person expects to live forever.
And to be married for a long time. My goal is to reach 100 years
old, and to be married at that time with a super wife still living.
In 25 days the milestone, "50th Anniversary" will be reached.
And, 8 days later, the completion of 3/4 of 100 years will be realized.
I believe I earned this, "right" when I was in the "herebefore",
with God, according to the book of Genesis in the Bible.
(if there was a heareafter, then I think the word herebefore is
When these two milestones are passed, then I should set new ones.
Gorden B Hinkely's advice is to live life to the fullest, having fun and
enjoyment. We are to laugh a lot, and help others to enjoy their lot too.
To dispute the words of others, or to put our spin on the words and
actions of others, is not correct, and should be avoided. It is enough
just to live our own lives and not want to live other's lives too.
My Grandfather Gates used to say, lets be content to be ourself,
and let others be their own self. We must answere to our Father for
our own ideas thought, words and actions, not those of others.
We are not judged by anyone else just our onselves.
Le Tante, until another time.
And to be married for a long time. My goal is to reach 100 years
old, and to be married at that time with a super wife still living.
In 25 days the milestone, "50th Anniversary" will be reached.
And, 8 days later, the completion of 3/4 of 100 years will be realized.
I believe I earned this, "right" when I was in the "herebefore",
with God, according to the book of Genesis in the Bible.
(if there was a heareafter, then I think the word herebefore is
When these two milestones are passed, then I should set new ones.
Gorden B Hinkely's advice is to live life to the fullest, having fun and
enjoyment. We are to laugh a lot, and help others to enjoy their lot too.
To dispute the words of others, or to put our spin on the words and
actions of others, is not correct, and should be avoided. It is enough
just to live our own lives and not want to live other's lives too.
My Grandfather Gates used to say, lets be content to be ourself,
and let others be their own self. We must answere to our Father for
our own ideas thought, words and actions, not those of others.
We are not judged by anyone else just our onselves.
Le Tante, until another time.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Tomorrow is cinco de may-o
Where did April go? Seems like we just got over Christmas. they, you know what they
say, when you are having fun, the times slips away quickly.(who are "they," ?)
Getting serious, we had a great time in California, even if you spend more time getting there than the time when you get there. There was no rain, but that would
be better than all the time spent on the "freeways". It was great to spend a bit of
time with my little brother, whom towers over me. And, to get to know my little sister and Doug. We liked Disney Land too. Mom would not go on the roller coaster, and if I am truth full, I did not want to go on it either. We should have gone on the
Souring over California a 2ND time. We did go on "Its a small world, after all." And
we did notice the political slant to things. In the Mr. Lincoln after the movie as
we came out there was a poster of our President, O. And at the last part of It's a Small World, there was a picture of Kennedy, and another picture of our President,O.
May is baby's birth. June is time for Doctor's procedures. July is our 50Th wedding celebration , followed by a granddaughter's wedding. Aug I get to be 76. September
Ann and I get to go somewhere,,, Oct is Halloween. November is Baby time again, and
thanksgiving, and seeing Christmas decked out early, But, more important is the
birthday and family events that make this life worthwhile. You Know, we get to learn as children, then get to do as parents, and then evaluate what we did as grandparents
and if we are lucky, we can evaluate the lessons of our children, as we see what their teaching resulted in. If we did it right, and all the Savior's instructions
are followed, then we can rest easy, and know that we (our family) are safe in GOD'S
Love. So, love one another, and be kind to all you see, or know.
A good friend of mine received a new total knee. During the surgery, it was thought
a heart attack had occurred... so all the bells and whistles were not given, and only
now is my friend able to get therapy. My friend's spouse suggested getting up and walking around...only to be met with, I did...which is stretching the truth beyond
any one's evaluation. If my friend sees this post, please, be honest.. get up out
of bed, and get walking, and doing what the therapist has taught you. And, remember,
you have another knee to replace, so quit being silly- or is that, "being a baby."
Well, the weather seems to be good enough for me to pull some weeds, that have been
encroaching on our property, dandelion's, and off I go, until next
time, I love you all. Please pray for GOD to bless Obama, so he may do something
that will help us, and not damage our world...
say, when you are having fun, the times slips away quickly.(who are "they," ?)
Getting serious, we had a great time in California, even if you spend more time getting there than the time when you get there. There was no rain, but that would
be better than all the time spent on the "freeways". It was great to spend a bit of
time with my little brother, whom towers over me. And, to get to know my little sister and Doug. We liked Disney Land too. Mom would not go on the roller coaster, and if I am truth full, I did not want to go on it either. We should have gone on the
Souring over California a 2ND time. We did go on "Its a small world, after all." And
we did notice the political slant to things. In the Mr. Lincoln after the movie as
we came out there was a poster of our President, O. And at the last part of It's a Small World, there was a picture of Kennedy, and another picture of our President,O.
May is baby's birth. June is time for Doctor's procedures. July is our 50Th wedding celebration , followed by a granddaughter's wedding. Aug I get to be 76. September
Ann and I get to go somewhere,,, Oct is Halloween. November is Baby time again, and
thanksgiving, and seeing Christmas decked out early, But, more important is the
birthday and family events that make this life worthwhile. You Know, we get to learn as children, then get to do as parents, and then evaluate what we did as grandparents
and if we are lucky, we can evaluate the lessons of our children, as we see what their teaching resulted in. If we did it right, and all the Savior's instructions
are followed, then we can rest easy, and know that we (our family) are safe in GOD'S
Love. So, love one another, and be kind to all you see, or know.
A good friend of mine received a new total knee. During the surgery, it was thought
a heart attack had occurred... so all the bells and whistles were not given, and only
now is my friend able to get therapy. My friend's spouse suggested getting up and walking around...only to be met with, I did...which is stretching the truth beyond
any one's evaluation. If my friend sees this post, please, be honest.. get up out
of bed, and get walking, and doing what the therapist has taught you. And, remember,
you have another knee to replace, so quit being silly- or is that, "being a baby."
Well, the weather seems to be good enough for me to pull some weeds, that have been
encroaching on our property, dandelion's, and off I go, until next
time, I love you all. Please pray for GOD to bless Obama, so he may do something
that will help us, and not damage our world...
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Another milestone in life...?
Following our treck to southern Washington to help, if we could, with the events following 14 April, we returned home. And a day or two afterwards, a sharp pain
was felt in my right big toe. It was so painful, no walking was possible. So bad
was it, that a trip to the urgent care center was necessitated. There it was learned
the pain was from Arthritis.. and called by a speciaql name, "rich man's GOUT." Well
I've never considered myself as rich. In fact there are times when we have not had much, and have gone without insurance, and sometimes without a job...
At the clinic, the doctor, a very wise lady, told me it would take about a week, and
if i took three pills, one each hour as soon as I could get them, Costco was where
the Rx went... and so did I. After several hours, there was only one person filling
many requests.. The counter woman, Brittney was very nice, and prevented me from bolting, and leaving the store... insead, she suggested I shop and return after a bit
and all would be well.... except that did not turn out to be the case...
It is now over a week from my visit to the clinic, and the problem is still there,
but the pain is very minor. I did find out the the foods I was eating were great
but had purines in them. Purines may be found in several vegitables, in Salmon and in most meats- also in mushrooms, and in water pills. All of which I had been consuming within the lst few days. And, all of those that I no longer take. Yet, when
all is done and said, I feel that life is good. I love everyone.. even though I
don't like what some do, take our fearless leader in Washington for one. I feel that he is leading us to distruction.... yet he is to be prayed for God to lead him
in that which he does... and for us to keep the faith, and remain anchored to God
and his program for us.
How about some of you that see this, commenting on what I do or write, so that this
may be a tool of conversation... or link for us. Love you all.
was felt in my right big toe. It was so painful, no walking was possible. So bad
was it, that a trip to the urgent care center was necessitated. There it was learned
the pain was from Arthritis.. and called by a speciaql name, "rich man's GOUT." Well
I've never considered myself as rich. In fact there are times when we have not had much, and have gone without insurance, and sometimes without a job...
At the clinic, the doctor, a very wise lady, told me it would take about a week, and
if i took three pills, one each hour as soon as I could get them, Costco was where
the Rx went... and so did I. After several hours, there was only one person filling
many requests.. The counter woman, Brittney was very nice, and prevented me from bolting, and leaving the store... insead, she suggested I shop and return after a bit
and all would be well.... except that did not turn out to be the case...
It is now over a week from my visit to the clinic, and the problem is still there,
but the pain is very minor. I did find out the the foods I was eating were great
but had purines in them. Purines may be found in several vegitables, in Salmon and in most meats- also in mushrooms, and in water pills. All of which I had been consuming within the lst few days. And, all of those that I no longer take. Yet, when
all is done and said, I feel that life is good. I love everyone.. even though I
don't like what some do, take our fearless leader in Washington for one. I feel that he is leading us to distruction.... yet he is to be prayed for God to lead him
in that which he does... and for us to keep the faith, and remain anchored to God
and his program for us.
How about some of you that see this, commenting on what I do or write, so that this
may be a tool of conversation... or link for us. Love you all.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Sunday 18 April 2010 - Family
On the 14th of April, we had a call that part of my wife's family , a brother
had passed away. Needless to say, - we were in the car heading there almost
immeadiately. We travelled to the surviving family members, and with no
surprise, found not young kids, but three mature, quick minded, young adults.
The surviving daughters and son, were coping, sad, but with intellegent acts
and comments.
I was, and am impressed with these young adults, and can truly say I am
very happy with each of them. Comming to know someone is sometimes
a long process . . .I can not say I know them as well as I would like, I
know I want them in my life for as long as possible, and for them to feel
toward me, as I feel toward them. I love them, each of them, and their
families, also the friends they have arround them. The world will be o.k.
if all younger adults were as competent as Our nephew and nieces.
The departed loved one left with much undone, many projects partly
finished, that now either must be finished by these adults. Without
doubt, the important will be completed, unimportant - dumped.
And, the greatest of the projects will be finished with such sucess
none will find flaw or undone part.. It is certain these fine, wonderful
adults, have good common sense and will accomplish much.
To these survivors, my admiration and yours should be tendered.
We stand ready to help, and to give of our time tallent and love.
Again we say, to the departed, and those he left, WE LOVE YOU !
had passed away. Needless to say, - we were in the car heading there almost
immeadiately. We travelled to the surviving family members, and with no
surprise, found not young kids, but three mature, quick minded, young adults.
The surviving daughters and son, were coping, sad, but with intellegent acts
and comments.
I was, and am impressed with these young adults, and can truly say I am
very happy with each of them. Comming to know someone is sometimes
a long process . . .I can not say I know them as well as I would like, I
know I want them in my life for as long as possible, and for them to feel
toward me, as I feel toward them. I love them, each of them, and their
families, also the friends they have arround them. The world will be o.k.
if all younger adults were as competent as Our nephew and nieces.
The departed loved one left with much undone, many projects partly
finished, that now either must be finished by these adults. Without
doubt, the important will be completed, unimportant - dumped.
And, the greatest of the projects will be finished with such sucess
none will find flaw or undone part.. It is certain these fine, wonderful
adults, have good common sense and will accomplish much.
To these survivors, my admiration and yours should be tendered.
We stand ready to help, and to give of our time tallent and love.
Again we say, to the departed, and those he left, WE LOVE YOU !
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My brother in law is now on the other side. He is probably quite happy.
We whom are still here are not so happy, for we will miss him.
We whom are still here are not so happy, for we will miss him.
Monday, April 12, 2010

76 Union Service. It looked pretty much like this. Where the jack is at the
left, on the other side of the service bays, I had dug a whole and put in a
tire stand, where we used iron bars about 18 inches long, and we would
break the bead of the tire from the rim. then we would take the inner
tube out of the tire, and patch the hole with a rubber patch of about 1
inch by 1 inch. Then we would put the tube back into the tire, and make
certain the tire was back inside the rim. The final step was to inflate
the tire, and remount it on the car.
The worse job at the station was cleaning the rest rooms, especially the
female one. I worked at the station until I left for BYU in 1952-3. My
boss, Ovena Stonebraker, remarried when her husband died of cancer
and became Mrs. Mayo- and they still ran the service station.
Oh, before July, I should have my life story finished. I have a few of
the pictures that have to be made at Office Depot, so they will show
various events, or persons in my life. Most of the family feel that
Genealogy is when you confuse the dead & irritate the living.
And that to be a genealogist, you must lose your census. Seriously,
I am in contact with grandmother Gates' father's family. You may
recall that She never saw her father, as he left the home before her
birth. He remarried and they had 5 kids, whom moved to Montrose
Colorado, where Robert Newton Steel is buried. there are two of
my cousins that are emailing between the three of us.. so we will
know whom the family is, and was. Also, my Grandmother Nebeker
(Nana) was a Lloyd. And the Lloyd family genealogist is in email
contact with me. It seems that Nana's grandfather was born out
of wedlock in England. Although he knew it, he never told anyone,
and we found out about it via a stepmother's marriage just before
he could have been conceived. Two of his step sisters were born
before his birth... His father had him in his house with all the
step children, and some adopted children also. That was in England
I believe that if the genealogy is not done, then I will not have
completed my life's task.... it is up to me to do it. Not many of my
children are interested. And thouse whom are have their own work
which may not be the same as my life's task.
Trent, my brother is a health enthusiast, as is Melinda, my daughter.
Also, my wife is having us eat healthy. Laura is the expert in this
area, and her kids have been eating healthy for some time.
You know, Jeff was into this area before his mother, my sister died,
and still is interested in this area. He just had a birthday last Saturday
and recentlly Amy gave him their third child, a girl to help his son's
know how to treat the fair-er sex.
If anyone is in contact with Janice, let me know. . I would like to be in
communciation with her... I can email Jill, and have.
My sister, Les and I have been in contact with my Uncle Fred's girls,
and I wrote Aunt Orale - but she does not write back, and is not
interested in talking on the phone. She does enjoy letters, however.
Oh, the week after our 50th anniversary, Brandon will be here with
Heather. And, Nikkie will be married to her red headed sweetheart.
If you are in the area, the reception will be here, and in either Idaho
or His home town... you can catch Nikkie on her facebook, and get
first hand info.....
bye for is 11:00 pm, and we go to Bellingham tomorrow..
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Happy Easter
Our trip seems like oldnews ...We did enjoy California. Especially The Magic
kingdom. The California area had a ride that had you sitting in the front of a
plane, without anything to contain you... then you were like a bird, and it
was fantastic. Too bad we did not go on it twice.... It was that good. And,
the Indiana Jones ride will be remembered for a long time.... I don't think
I can forget for a long time, - how much laughter my wife made, on the ride.
Getting to know my sister was very special. She is a take charge type of gal
and that is nice to know. Les is a great person. She is loving and kind.
I also got to see another side to my Brother.... I guess I am very lucky to have
those two. I suppose we should get together more often in future.
It is great to be home, though... and have my own vehicle to drive again.
When I left, I purchased a lawn mower that has a starter, and a drive bar
that lets the mower pull itself. The wheels are not theat powerful, until
you tilt the mower forward- then it tries to take off. The lawn gets a great
cutting.... I was going to cut it again, but as Easter sunday is tomorrow,
the 2 inches will be better to hide any eggs in... for the very young ones.
And, I understand that another granddaughter is being married at the
last of July, so we may have a few more "great" grandchildren."
Have you ever noticed that your childhood friends seem to drift away,
or pass away - - and the only ones you want to be with, are family..
(well) perhaps some family. My dad used to say, "family comming
to visit were like fish.... great the first day, OK the second, but beginning
to have an odor on the 3rd or 4th day." Sadly, he believed it.
So, Sunday, many of our family are comming... I look forward to the
group. You know, I like my kids, and their spouses seem to be the best
ever.... How lucky can you get ?
Being back has it's good points. Did you ever like to lok at the clear cut
area's of the mountains? At this time of year, there is a fresh coat of
snow, and it looks great.... All winter, there was none, but now when it is
spring, there it is... I guess we will have a partial drought - gee, that would
be like living in Arizona or California.....
Whopps, the wife has a bfew things for me to do... so I can not hang out
here anylonger ... so long for now, see you in a few days. .. .. .. GDad N
kingdom. The California area had a ride that had you sitting in the front of a
plane, without anything to contain you... then you were like a bird, and it
was fantastic. Too bad we did not go on it twice.... It was that good. And,
the Indiana Jones ride will be remembered for a long time.... I don't think
I can forget for a long time, - how much laughter my wife made, on the ride.
Getting to know my sister was very special. She is a take charge type of gal
and that is nice to know. Les is a great person. She is loving and kind.
I also got to see another side to my Brother.... I guess I am very lucky to have
those two. I suppose we should get together more often in future.
It is great to be home, though... and have my own vehicle to drive again.
When I left, I purchased a lawn mower that has a starter, and a drive bar
that lets the mower pull itself. The wheels are not theat powerful, until
you tilt the mower forward- then it tries to take off. The lawn gets a great
cutting.... I was going to cut it again, but as Easter sunday is tomorrow,
the 2 inches will be better to hide any eggs in... for the very young ones.
And, I understand that another granddaughter is being married at the
last of July, so we may have a few more "great" grandchildren."
Have you ever noticed that your childhood friends seem to drift away,
or pass away - - and the only ones you want to be with, are family..
(well) perhaps some family. My dad used to say, "family comming
to visit were like fish.... great the first day, OK the second, but beginning
to have an odor on the 3rd or 4th day." Sadly, he believed it.
So, Sunday, many of our family are comming... I look forward to the
group. You know, I like my kids, and their spouses seem to be the best
ever.... How lucky can you get ?
Being back has it's good points. Did you ever like to lok at the clear cut
area's of the mountains? At this time of year, there is a fresh coat of
snow, and it looks great.... All winter, there was none, but now when it is
spring, there it is... I guess we will have a partial drought - gee, that would
be like living in Arizona or California.....
Whopps, the wife has a bfew things for me to do... so I can not hang out
here anylonger ... so long for now, see you in a few days. .. .. .. GDad N
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Last Week in California
Wow, what a week. I thought I knew Southern California, but 30 years away, with just short
visits can not keep the familiarization current. When we flew into LA-X, we got a car, and began our treck to Arcadia. It was rush hour, and it took over 2 and 1/2 hours to get there.
and that was without freeways. Have you ever been confussed? Well, I was. A freeway had
two entrances, one west and one east...only the directions seemed to be in different directions
than the signs. Indigen (native) folks know that the 913 freeway goes to this city or that city,
which is a far cry from the impression a foreigner (alien) gets. So-o we left LAX and began to go north on Sepulveda.... that street used to go into San Fernando Valley , and may still, but
somehow the streets seemed to indicate our closing in on the Beach area.... And Cuver city
seemed the wrong way to go when we wanted Huntington and the area near the Race Track.
Then Soperhill, and Century seemed to be next to each other... now remember, it has been 30 years since I've lived there, and things change. Then there is the other freeway, the 27-3 which goes up and down, and not in any direction.....
My Sister was angel. She made maps with highlined directions... Hoo Booy - we were able to get from one place to another.... visited with my grandson and his wonderful lady. He took us to near the center of LA, and we went to the 1st French Dip Sandwitch shop in the State ? or
perhaps the West coast ? I forget which..
Seriously, we had a fantastic time, and enjoyed ourselves. To finish out the trip, we went to Disneyland in Buena Park..... without kids....? ...Yep, withjust ourselves and us old one's had
a great time.... There is anew CALIFORNIA area we had no idea was there... The wife did not
want to go to any parachute dropping, so we settled on a Big Wheel with gondola's on it... just
like the old Fair Wheel... only with swinging baskets - not for those with funny stomach's.
And there was the Indiana Jones Ride. It was nice to hear my wife laugh a lot. Another ride
was the "Soaring over California" at least I think that was the name.... what a great ride that was...
There was only one problem area.... I put the claim check for our car on the rental car counter, when looking for the paper work for the rental, and forgot to put it back in my wallet. So when we got off the Jet in Sea Tac - and went to the parking lot, we had no claim check, with the words - "No car will be released without this claim check." The guys at Park and Jet, were great. I did not have to walk bare foot on hot coals, or go anything ... they were understanding, but they did snicker, when I told them where the claim check was.....All in all,
we had a great time.....
visits can not keep the familiarization current. When we flew into LA-X, we got a car, and began our treck to Arcadia. It was rush hour, and it took over 2 and 1/2 hours to get there.
and that was without freeways. Have you ever been confussed? Well, I was. A freeway had
two entrances, one west and one east...only the directions seemed to be in different directions
than the signs. Indigen (native) folks know that the 913 freeway goes to this city or that city,
which is a far cry from the impression a foreigner (alien) gets. So-o we left LAX and began to go north on Sepulveda.... that street used to go into San Fernando Valley , and may still, but
somehow the streets seemed to indicate our closing in on the Beach area.... And Cuver city
seemed the wrong way to go when we wanted Huntington and the area near the Race Track.
Then Soperhill, and Century seemed to be next to each other... now remember, it has been 30 years since I've lived there, and things change. Then there is the other freeway, the 27-3 which goes up and down, and not in any direction.....
My Sister was angel. She made maps with highlined directions... Hoo Booy - we were able to get from one place to another.... visited with my grandson and his wonderful lady. He took us to near the center of LA, and we went to the 1st French Dip Sandwitch shop in the State ? or
perhaps the West coast ? I forget which..
Seriously, we had a fantastic time, and enjoyed ourselves. To finish out the trip, we went to Disneyland in Buena Park..... without kids....? ...Yep, withjust ourselves and us old one's had
a great time.... There is anew CALIFORNIA area we had no idea was there... The wife did not
want to go to any parachute dropping, so we settled on a Big Wheel with gondola's on it... just
like the old Fair Wheel... only with swinging baskets - not for those with funny stomach's.
And there was the Indiana Jones Ride. It was nice to hear my wife laugh a lot. Another ride
was the "Soaring over California" at least I think that was the name.... what a great ride that was...
There was only one problem area.... I put the claim check for our car on the rental car counter, when looking for the paper work for the rental, and forgot to put it back in my wallet. So when we got off the Jet in Sea Tac - and went to the parking lot, we had no claim check, with the words - "No car will be released without this claim check." The guys at Park and Jet, were great. I did not have to walk bare foot on hot coals, or go anything ... they were understanding, but they did snicker, when I told them where the claim check was.....All in all,
we had a great time.....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
23 March 2010
Today, we think of our 5th child whom was born on this day and
this month- He will tell you the year, if he wants, not I.
Life is so great. Mother had us buy a book, "The Survivors Club."
It is by Ben Sherwood. We have been (I should say,) I have been
reading it, and 3/4 finished. The book has opened my eyes to
see why I have had such a charmed life. Why I am still living
and why I am so upbeat most of the time. You may argue,"that
is not true."
Over the years, I have been extreamly lucky. The book tells me
that it is a state of mind, and that the way one looks at what
happens around him/her - and the way it affects him/her, is
not as important as what he/she thinks about what is happening.
Wed, our next day, we will be flying to California. We are to see
my Sister, with whom we can stay, and visit with my Brother
while there. We were to celebrate the birthday of Ann's uncle
Charles. This will not be possible, as her Uncle Gene is in the
hospital in Columbus and his kidneys have failed. So Charles
will be in Ohio, when we are in California. And, yes the child in
me wants to go to the Magic Kingdom... so we will be there for
two days. When we return, we will have pictures and I think,
stories... we will visit some of our former friends - from 1960"s
through 1976. If they are still there, and alive.
Back to today- I am getting rid of some of my things - at my
age, I do not need so much. I will get rid of my old lawn mower
for I have a self propelled one, that has a key starter. And I will
be going through all my treasures in the Garage, with an eye
toward getting rid of many of those items, I have not used for
many years.. I will keep the snow shovel, and some of the tools
that can be used, but the yard is about how we want it, now.
My big project was to build a bird house, and it is almost finished
so now I will put it up, near our bird feeder. I fixed it so the
squirels can not get to the food.... so, now something is getting into
the bucket we have at the outside of the back door-- for some days,
we found it knocked over and the recycling follage, on the floor of
the deck... i put a couple of drops of fuel on it, to discourage those
animals brought there by smell.... but that is only a temporary
As stated above, Life is Good. I married above me, and so "My" life
has been superb... and satisfying. I love my wife, of almost 50 years,
and each of my 7 (or so) children.... each has made a great life for
themselves... some may not think so, but from my aged view, it is
may GOD our FATHER bless each of you whom read this tome..that
you may have a rich and happy life. Remember, it is not the value of
things, - but the value of relationships and good times.
Wow, all this from an "Oldguy."
this month- He will tell you the year, if he wants, not I.
Life is so great. Mother had us buy a book, "The Survivors Club."
It is by Ben Sherwood. We have been (I should say,) I have been
reading it, and 3/4 finished. The book has opened my eyes to
see why I have had such a charmed life. Why I am still living
and why I am so upbeat most of the time. You may argue,"that
is not true."
Over the years, I have been extreamly lucky. The book tells me
that it is a state of mind, and that the way one looks at what
happens around him/her - and the way it affects him/her, is
not as important as what he/she thinks about what is happening.
Wed, our next day, we will be flying to California. We are to see
my Sister, with whom we can stay, and visit with my Brother
while there. We were to celebrate the birthday of Ann's uncle
Charles. This will not be possible, as her Uncle Gene is in the
hospital in Columbus and his kidneys have failed. So Charles
will be in Ohio, when we are in California. And, yes the child in
me wants to go to the Magic Kingdom... so we will be there for
two days. When we return, we will have pictures and I think,
stories... we will visit some of our former friends - from 1960"s
through 1976. If they are still there, and alive.
Back to today- I am getting rid of some of my things - at my
age, I do not need so much. I will get rid of my old lawn mower
for I have a self propelled one, that has a key starter. And I will
be going through all my treasures in the Garage, with an eye
toward getting rid of many of those items, I have not used for
many years.. I will keep the snow shovel, and some of the tools
that can be used, but the yard is about how we want it, now.
My big project was to build a bird house, and it is almost finished
so now I will put it up, near our bird feeder. I fixed it so the
squirels can not get to the food.... so, now something is getting into
the bucket we have at the outside of the back door-- for some days,
we found it knocked over and the recycling follage, on the floor of
the deck... i put a couple of drops of fuel on it, to discourage those
animals brought there by smell.... but that is only a temporary
As stated above, Life is Good. I married above me, and so "My" life
has been superb... and satisfying. I love my wife, of almost 50 years,
and each of my 7 (or so) children.... each has made a great life for
themselves... some may not think so, but from my aged view, it is
may GOD our FATHER bless each of you whom read this tome..that
you may have a rich and happy life. Remember, it is not the value of
things, - but the value of relationships and good times.
Wow, all this from an "Oldguy."
Monday, March 15, 2010
Almost as good as new
Tonight, the 8th of March is 2 months post op.. and my new knee feels a
part of me...without too much discomfort. What a blessing. Of course
there is the pat down at the Airport to look forward towards. some
fat guy using a wand and then rubbing my legs and arms...ugh.
This year we look forward to having 27 grandkids. Sometimes it is a
full time job just to keep up. For exmple, this last weekend, we were
at our lodest girl's home. she was celebrating having one of her girls
home to participate at a wedding of a near by friend. Present at the
gathering were three of our greatgrandsons.. Rider,Ethan,and Eli.
At first one or two were shy, but after a few minutes,two ignored me
and the third crawled all over me, and acted as if we were good friends
which was a great thing for me. At first you try to do right in the
raising of hour kids. Then along come the grandkids.. one cannot be
as involved, nor comment , not be uneven in the time, attention,or
presents here. You just evaluate what you taught your children,
and see if they got the message you were teaching. It is too late for
you to do any correction.. the die is cast. Hopefully, as in my case
the kids handle their children (and their grandchildren) well.
As we approch our 50th year of marriage, we look forward to seeing
our 27 grandchildren, and 5 greatgrandchildren - handle well that
which our FATHER in heaven expects them to handle.
I guess what I am saying,is that Life is good. Somehow, my children
are going to be just great.
Now, as for what I have written, no I have not made any mistakes
as to the numbers I have posted- that is, I really have no idea about
the greatgrand children yet.
Ann had a problem, and we had it checked, and she is O.K. If any-
thing happened to her,I have no idea how I would cope.. She is
my life. She helps me plan whqt to do, and when to do it.
We do have a problem... we got a new High def. TV and have
Comcast putting the channels on it...but, how do we play our
CD movies, or our VHR movies. How do we record the TV
we waqnt to watch later? We are SO technicaly challanged.
Please Call or E-mail and let us now how to program or system.
More later, if the creek will rise, and the Good Lord gives us
the time.
part of me...without too much discomfort. What a blessing. Of course
there is the pat down at the Airport to look forward towards. some
fat guy using a wand and then rubbing my legs and arms...ugh.
This year we look forward to having 27 grandkids. Sometimes it is a
full time job just to keep up. For exmple, this last weekend, we were
at our lodest girl's home. she was celebrating having one of her girls
home to participate at a wedding of a near by friend. Present at the
gathering were three of our greatgrandsons.. Rider,Ethan,and Eli.
At first one or two were shy, but after a few minutes,two ignored me
and the third crawled all over me, and acted as if we were good friends
which was a great thing for me. At first you try to do right in the
raising of hour kids. Then along come the grandkids.. one cannot be
as involved, nor comment , not be uneven in the time, attention,or
presents here. You just evaluate what you taught your children,
and see if they got the message you were teaching. It is too late for
you to do any correction.. the die is cast. Hopefully, as in my case
the kids handle their children (and their grandchildren) well.
As we approch our 50th year of marriage, we look forward to seeing
our 27 grandchildren, and 5 greatgrandchildren - handle well that
which our FATHER in heaven expects them to handle.
I guess what I am saying,is that Life is good. Somehow, my children
are going to be just great.
Now, as for what I have written, no I have not made any mistakes
as to the numbers I have posted- that is, I really have no idea about
the greatgrand children yet.
Ann had a problem, and we had it checked, and she is O.K. If any-
thing happened to her,I have no idea how I would cope.. She is
my life. She helps me plan whqt to do, and when to do it.
We do have a problem... we got a new High def. TV and have
Comcast putting the channels on it...but, how do we play our
CD movies, or our VHR movies. How do we record the TV
we waqnt to watch later? We are SO technicaly challanged.
Please Call or E-mail and let us now how to program or system.
More later, if the creek will rise, and the Good Lord gives us
the time.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
14 March
Wow, just 2 days after Dorothy, my mom's 98th anniversary of birth... How I
wish she had stayed with us. then again, I feel young, what with a new knee,
a new hip, and someparts removed.....why shouldn't I feel young ?
Neat is being accepted by my great grandsons, and playing with them.
You see, the grandkids are all getting grown up and married...
thank goodness some of them are yet young.
Soon we will not have 3 missionaries out ! Two are comming home in the
next few months. What changes we may see in RL, and in J. Andrew is not
a greenie now, but is still in his first part.... RL and J will be getting on with
their lives.
FATHER has been kind to our family. We have been truly blessed, and
cared for in the past, and also at this time.
Say, I need help in this family search... our ancester, Julia Ann Bass
was born in Boone Co. Missouri in 1840. Her mother Lucy and father
were from Virgina. the difference in ages is great..... Eli was born in
1775, and Lucy was born in 1805. Julia was born in 1840. She married
GGGrandfather in 1858 in Missouri, and they lived in that area all their
lives.. If you want to help, I'll send you the you can look also.
Brother Joseph was told that this work is so important, that if not
done, the creation of the world would have been for nothing.
On another matter cousin Diana Campbell Zemp was on vacation
in Australia, and was put in the Hospital in a state of unresponsiveness
... She is now comming out of it. Prayses be. Our families should
always pray for each other, and be kind to all. We love you - one and all.
Well, that's it for now... LOVE YA
wish she had stayed with us. then again, I feel young, what with a new knee,
a new hip, and someparts removed.....why shouldn't I feel young ?
Neat is being accepted by my great grandsons, and playing with them.
You see, the grandkids are all getting grown up and married...
thank goodness some of them are yet young.
Soon we will not have 3 missionaries out ! Two are comming home in the
next few months. What changes we may see in RL, and in J. Andrew is not
a greenie now, but is still in his first part.... RL and J will be getting on with
their lives.
FATHER has been kind to our family. We have been truly blessed, and
cared for in the past, and also at this time.
Say, I need help in this family search... our ancester, Julia Ann Bass
was born in Boone Co. Missouri in 1840. Her mother Lucy and father
were from Virgina. the difference in ages is great..... Eli was born in
1775, and Lucy was born in 1805. Julia was born in 1840. She married
GGGrandfather in 1858 in Missouri, and they lived in that area all their
lives.. If you want to help, I'll send you the you can look also.
Brother Joseph was told that this work is so important, that if not
done, the creation of the world would have been for nothing.
On another matter cousin Diana Campbell Zemp was on vacation
in Australia, and was put in the Hospital in a state of unresponsiveness
... She is now comming out of it. Prayses be. Our families should
always pray for each other, and be kind to all. We love you - one and all.
Well, that's it for now... LOVE YA
Friday, February 19, 2010
Feb 20 2010 . spring in WA state
Hi.. two weeks without a cane...the new knee feels good
and the body works great - - pretty good for such an oldguy.
Then there are our young grandchildren, Arizona, Brescia,
and Kaitlyn. And greatgrand sons, Ryder, Ethan, Eli, Koby,
and Orson. Soon Arizona and Brescia will have a sister?
Yesterday, Kaitlyn was with us for a few hours. What an
additional gem she is. she could walk, but only takes a
few steps, Next month on this day, she will be 1 year old.
And, so will the new bride- yes Mrs Quigley will be a year
older in one month. They will probably have snow there
still. Whereas, here in Washington, the flowers are peeking
up out of the ground, and the little animals are out and fun.
Last month we had a young squirrel on the fence. It was
near a bird feeder. As it got on the feeder, the outer
wire section of the feeded slid down the inner section
which prevented the squirrel from getting into the feed.
The squirrel tried everything, and then it succeded. By
grabbing the top of the fence with it's hind feet, and
streching it's body down the fence board, and arching it's
back, it was possible for it to use a foreleg to reach the
seeds and grasp one or two. It would then put the seeds
into it's mouth. by this method, it emptied the bird's
food in a short time. Needless to say, the bird feeder
was removed and various ideas were considered. Should
we add another extention to the fence and put the squirrel
too far away ? That seemed like a good idea, but a back
up solution. The fence bracket that held the feeder,
was a long black metal wand like bracket. Would it be
possible to reshape the bracket and put the feeder out
of reach ? if so that would be the solution, I thought.
The 2nd idea is what I did. The squirrel has not been
back yet, and when it is, we will see. If it still can
get the food, then the fence extention will be used.
Oh, with my mobiliity restored, it was possible to plant
two new berry bushes, and some new colorful plants in
the front yard.
Hopefulloy, I can now settle down and grow old with the
beautiful lady whom agreed to live with me, almost 50
years ago, this comming april. We will be in CA next
month and will go to Disyneland for a couple of days,
yet our trip is to see my Sister and Brother, and for
Ann to visit her Aunt and Uncle- some family older.
and the body works great - - pretty good for such an oldguy.
Then there are our young grandchildren, Arizona, Brescia,
and Kaitlyn. And greatgrand sons, Ryder, Ethan, Eli, Koby,
and Orson. Soon Arizona and Brescia will have a sister?
Yesterday, Kaitlyn was with us for a few hours. What an
additional gem she is. she could walk, but only takes a
few steps, Next month on this day, she will be 1 year old.
And, so will the new bride- yes Mrs Quigley will be a year
older in one month. They will probably have snow there
still. Whereas, here in Washington, the flowers are peeking
up out of the ground, and the little animals are out and fun.
Last month we had a young squirrel on the fence. It was
near a bird feeder. As it got on the feeder, the outer
wire section of the feeded slid down the inner section
which prevented the squirrel from getting into the feed.
The squirrel tried everything, and then it succeded. By
grabbing the top of the fence with it's hind feet, and
streching it's body down the fence board, and arching it's
back, it was possible for it to use a foreleg to reach the
seeds and grasp one or two. It would then put the seeds
into it's mouth. by this method, it emptied the bird's
food in a short time. Needless to say, the bird feeder
was removed and various ideas were considered. Should
we add another extention to the fence and put the squirrel
too far away ? That seemed like a good idea, but a back
up solution. The fence bracket that held the feeder,
was a long black metal wand like bracket. Would it be
possible to reshape the bracket and put the feeder out
of reach ? if so that would be the solution, I thought.
The 2nd idea is what I did. The squirrel has not been
back yet, and when it is, we will see. If it still can
get the food, then the fence extention will be used.
Oh, with my mobiliity restored, it was possible to plant
two new berry bushes, and some new colorful plants in
the front yard.
Hopefulloy, I can now settle down and grow old with the
beautiful lady whom agreed to live with me, almost 50
years ago, this comming april. We will be in CA next
month and will go to Disyneland for a couple of days,
yet our trip is to see my Sister and Brother, and for
Ann to visit her Aunt and Uncle- some family older.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Yesterday was my younger greatgrandson's 1st birth day. He and
his family are in Idaho in College. What a great day it was,
yet, there is a sadness in my heart.
Ann read to me part of a journal of a young volunteer in Haiti...
what this young woman had to write and say has caused my heart
to break. Somany little one's whom will die without having the
happiness of life and family. So many with so little.
Perhaps when we are back with FATHER, we will know and see what
mortal life was designed to accomplish, and the hurt and pain
will not seem to be as much of a burden as it seems to be now.
Certainly the greed and errantness of the advisary may not be
with us there, yet, the memories will still be a part of each.
May those whom are in Haiti, to bring what love and kindness
to the Haitians, be ong felt and lasting. And God, our FATHER
bless all involved. May we each learn from this experience,
first hand, or vicariously.... I pray this for us.... grandad.
his family are in Idaho in College. What a great day it was,
yet, there is a sadness in my heart.
Ann read to me part of a journal of a young volunteer in Haiti...
what this young woman had to write and say has caused my heart
to break. Somany little one's whom will die without having the
happiness of life and family. So many with so little.
Perhaps when we are back with FATHER, we will know and see what
mortal life was designed to accomplish, and the hurt and pain
will not seem to be as much of a burden as it seems to be now.
Certainly the greed and errantness of the advisary may not be
with us there, yet, the memories will still be a part of each.
May those whom are in Haiti, to bring what love and kindness
to the Haitians, be ong felt and lasting. And God, our FATHER
bless all involved. May we each learn from this experience,
first hand, or vicariously.... I pray this for us.... grandad.
Monday, February 1, 2010
My Son is serving again
Sunday, the last of Jan, we got a call from Peter, our 5th child. He is in Haiti, and told us that he has been the quartermaster of his group there. The exicting
part is that Maureen and Scott Proctor of Meridian Magazine were there on Church assignment to report on LDS involvement, and Haitian conditions... AND...Peter was
their guide and interpreter. He is also the quartermaster of the group that left Salt Lake last week. This is a rare chance for him to return to the people he grew
to love, and to offer his love and help to them. This life opportunity is not often
given to each of us, and I for one thank my FATHER in heaven that the opportunity
is his. Peter's son, Tanner has a blogg and is following the details of his father, so use my blogg to get to that of Paige's or Rachels, and from there you can get to Tanner's great reporting.
Of lesser interest, I am starting my forth week with a new left Knee. The Knee fells
fine, the tendons and muscles need to repir themselves--they attrophied while the
leg bones became shorter by wear and tear.
IN November, my nephew and wife, and my granddaughter and new husband were sealed.
In Jan, on the 10th, a neice and nephew became the parents of a great little girl.
LIFE IS GOOD , now if our government leaders can get their act together, all will
be well..... love to you all
part is that Maureen and Scott Proctor of Meridian Magazine were there on Church assignment to report on LDS involvement, and Haitian conditions... AND...Peter was
their guide and interpreter. He is also the quartermaster of the group that left Salt Lake last week. This is a rare chance for him to return to the people he grew
to love, and to offer his love and help to them. This life opportunity is not often
given to each of us, and I for one thank my FATHER in heaven that the opportunity
is his. Peter's son, Tanner has a blogg and is following the details of his father, so use my blogg to get to that of Paige's or Rachels, and from there you can get to Tanner's great reporting.
Of lesser interest, I am starting my forth week with a new left Knee. The Knee fells
fine, the tendons and muscles need to repir themselves--they attrophied while the
leg bones became shorter by wear and tear.
IN November, my nephew and wife, and my granddaughter and new husband were sealed.
In Jan, on the 10th, a neice and nephew became the parents of a great little girl.
LIFE IS GOOD , now if our government leaders can get their act together, all will
be well..... love to you all
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